A Humorous Techno-Fantasy Roleplay Game
If You Really, Really Believe It... It Just Might Happen!
To read about how Murphys World was created, click here.
REMEMBER LONG AGO, all those creatures that once lived under your bed? The Ogres in the closet? The way your clothes, thrown haphazardly over the back of a chair transformed without warning into a horrible monster once the lights were turned out... and nobody else could see what you saw waiting in the shadows?
You somehow knew there was a universal law which said that you were safe as long as no part of your body stuck out from under the bed sheets. If you could only hold out until morning, all would be fine.
Even when you got older, a sock or shirt occasionally went missing. Where did they go? Was there some supernatural force that transported old left socks, loose buttons, and items placed "where I know they'll be when I need them," to a weird and mystical place?
Most of us stopped believing in closet monsters, and the intergalactic left sock cemetery when we got day jobs and had to deal with worse horrors like the 'incompetent boss' and 'coffee from hell'.
However, if you're the type whose mind remains a bundle of uncertainty and believes in the subjectivity of reality, or if you're simply someone with a knack for getting lost in strange places, the best place to begin your search for whatever it is you're looking for is Murphy's World.
Murphy's World happens to be the junk-heap of the universe. If you've lost something or someone, there's a good chance that they were swept through a Dimension Gate and deposited in this place of chaotic whimsy.
So how do you go about reclaiming lost property and friends? (And what about getting your hands on some of the great stuff that other people have lost?) Where do you find a Teleportation Gate, and how do you operate it? Well, that's where the adventuring comes in....
So, Just What is Murphys World?
Murphy's World is a silly place where you can roleplay light-hearted adventures. It can be used with any existing system of rules you don't have to generate a new Character to use this book!
As a GM, even if you run just one session of Murphy's World, read the book beforehand and your game will be so insanely detailed and fascinatingly impressive that your players will have to be happy with the investment in time away from your regular campaign....
Derek Pearcy,
PYRAMID MAGAZINE, Issue Number 16, November/ December, 1995, Page 76.
Characters from other campaigns can be brought to Murphy's World for adventures, and Characters from Murphy's World can be transported to other campaign worlds.
Murphy's World is designed for anyone who has ever wanted to take a break from the serious business of forging empires and amassing personal fortunes. For Gamemasters who are tired of Characters that breeze through scenarios which have taken hours to prepare, it's just the thing. Murphy's World has been created to let the Gamemaster have as much fun as the players!
Murphy's World is actually the Realm of Faerie, the Land of Myths and Legends, the place of popular folklore and dreams (with a dash of pop culture) comically twisted, yet maintaining an internal sense of 'logic'. It operates according to Murphy's Laws. The real culprit is the planet's sun, Ludo. The strange distorting energies with which this amber orb assaults the little planet effectively toss any sense of predictability of natural laws or supernatural forces right out the metaphysical window.
Murphy's World also happens to be in possession of an extensive but rather faulty network of interdimensional teleportation gates (through which many of the inhabitants have unwillingly arrived), connecting Murphy's World to just about everywhere. Thus, many residents of the planet are like Murphy reluctant alien immigrants. New arrivals can pop up (in, down, or sideways) anywhere; confused, embarrassed, and wondering how to get home. Unfortunately, spaceships usually crash upon entering the atmosphere, and return gateways are often invisible, faulty, or out of order.
Sean Murphy, Intergalactic Property Developer
It seemed like the perfect place to launch a financial empire. So thought Sean Murphy, intergalactic trader, property developer, and opportunist just before his spaceship crashed into the Sea of Tranquility.
Murphy's World is... proof that a game can be full of both humor and poetry... but still playable (the background is effectively complete).
Fabrice Colin,
CASUS BELLI MAGAZINE, Issue #88, September 1995, Page 24. (Translated from the original French)
Now an involuntary exile, Murphy wanders this most unusual planet where no matter how careful his plans or prudent his preparations, something always seems to go wrong. And this happens to everyone all the time!
Murphy's World is actually the Realm of Faerie, the Land of Myths and Legends, the place of popular folklore and dreams (with a dash of pop culture) comically twisted, yet maintaining an internal sense of 'logic'. It operates according to Murphy's Laws.
The real culprit is the planet's sun, Ludo. The strange distorting energies with which this amber orb assaults the little planet effectively toss any sense of predictability of natural laws or supernatural forces right out the metaphysical window. Murphy's World also happens to be in possession of an extensive but rather faulty network of Interdimensional Teleportation Gates (through which many of the inhabitants have unwillingly arrived), connecting Murphy's World to just about everywhere.
Thus, many residents of the planet are like Murphy reluctant alien immigrants. New arrivals can pop up (in, down, or sideways) anywhere; confused, embarrassed, and wondering how to get home. Unfortunately, spaceships usually crash upon entering the atmosphere, and return gateways are often invisible, faulty, or out of order.
Inside the Murphys World RPG Book:
Everything Necessary to Start Adventuring!*
Using Murphy's World
The beauty of Murphy's World is that you can use it as a break or change of pace from a regular campaign. Once the 'weird trip' is over, you can return the PCs to their normal setting. However, while on Murphy's World you can feed the PCs information on what's important to them in their 'serious' campaign as well.
Descriptions of the planet, the chaotic effects of its sun Ludo, magic and the supernatural, and the Teleportation Gates.
Fourteen races and cultures described via their Physical Characteristics & Abilities, Special Traits & Powers, Language, Geographic Distribution & Settlements, Customs & Lifestyle, Skills & Labor Practices, Religion & Superstition, plus a profile of several actual settlements and kingdoms.
Easy to learn and play rules that include Character Creation & Improvement, Skills & Abilities, Action Resolution, and a wacky Magic System that the Gamemaster may use to torment spellcasters; if the details of their spell are not explicitly defined it is open to misinterpretation!.
Lots of GM tips on how to design adventures and establish an ongoing campaign, along with numerous Adventure Ideas and tables to randomly generate places, things, creatures, and people. Sample characters, creatures, places, and things are also provided.
A complete adventure: Robyn's Summer Romance in Asgard (or Robyn & Her Merry Sven).
Well actually, you may want two 10-sided dice and two 6-sided dice. If you don't already have them, you can get them from most game and comic stores.
For 2 or more players (up to whatever the Gamemaster can handle and maintain his or her sanity), ages 10 to adult.
Reality Will Never Be the Same!
Authors: Kevin Davies with David Brown. Cover: Kevin Davies.
Format: 160 pages, softcover, perfect bound,
Product Code: PGN 0101. ISBN: 0-921821-23-9.
Suggested Retail Price (Paperback Book): $19.95 (US funds).
Murphy's World is available now as a downloadable PDF for $9.95 (US funds) from the Peregrine product pages on DriveThruRPG.com and RPGNOW.com along with supplemental materials (e.g., Character Sheets, Posters, Adventures, A Gazetteer of Asgard) and the companion book to Murphy's World: Bob, Lord of Evil.
For more information about Bob, Lord of Evil CLICK HERE.
Bob, Lord of Evil is available now as a downloadable PDF for $9.95 (US funds) from the Peregrine product pages on DriveThruRPG.com and RPGNOW.com.
Murphy's World Feedback: Comments & Reviews
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We'd love to hear about some of your favorite humorous roleplay people, places, things, adventures, or situations! Also, please feel free to Email us with your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. Your comments will help us to develop better products, more suited to your needs.
Murphy's World Supplements & Accessories
Digital files in PDF format to download (and print out as desired) from DriveThruRPG.
Purchase Digital Files from Peregrine Product Pages at Associate Websites:
Peregrine's products are available now as a downloadable PDFs from the Peregrine product pages on DriveThruRPG.com and RPGNOW.com.
Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction Art Prints by Kevin Davies can also be purchased at www.deviantart.com/kevindavies.
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